Thursday, June 20, 2013

Low flow faucet rebate!

A little money back while conserving water for members of Tri-County Electric.

Install low flow faucet aerators on all the faucets in your bathrooms and kitchen.  The flow rate for the bathroom must not exceed 1.5 gallons per minute and the kitchen can not exceed 2.2 gallons per minute.

Tri-County Electric will reimburse you with a rebate of $5.00 per aerator installed.  Print the form, attach a copy of your purchase receipt, and return the form to the office listed at the top of the form.  A check will be mailed to you.

FYI, your toilet is using 25% of your monthly water consumption.  Consider upgrading.  There are now models with 2 flush options, soft flush and hard flush, depending on what you need in the moment.

CCR & public meeting

CCR, drinking water Consumer Confidence Report for 2011.

CCR, drinking water Consumer Confidence Report for 2012.

Everyone is welcome to come to a public meeting at the well, 3400 Southlake Park Rd, July 21, 2013, 7:00 pm.  Please bring your own chair; no pets please.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

May Cleanup and Drought

During  May the pressure tank was given a light pressure wash. 

A new air compressor was installed.  The pressure tank uses an air compressor to keep the system from water logging, which would cause the aux pumps to overwork themselves.  The motor burned out.

A minor issue came up with the chlorine line in the chemical storage unit needing to be adjusted to keep it closer to bottom  of the tank.   The chlorine pump was overhauled earlier this year.

On May 28th a letter was sent to everyone for voluntary water restrictions.  TCEQ  has been updated to the status.